Possibilities of Additive Manufacturing with HP, Dyemansion and BASF
Landré nodigt u graag uit voor de ‘Additive days at Landré 2023 op 11 mei 2023 in Houten. Samen met HP, BASF en Dyemansion nemen we u mee in de eindeloze mogelijkheden van Additive manufacturing en gaan we dieper in op de post processing. Kom meer te weten over de nieuwe HP MJF 5420 3D printer, materiaalmogelijkheden bij BASF en Vaporfuse servicing met Dyemansion.
Program highlights
- HP – What's new at HP, and what are the possibilities for finishing?
- BASF – What are the possibilities for TPU and service solutions?
- Dyemansion – What kinds of finishes are possible, and for whom is this interesting?
- RapidCenter Printservice – How do they see the market in the Netherlands, and how can they help you grow your additive business?
- Demonstration of the machines and networking.
Additive Days @ Landré
- 11 mei 2023
- 13.00 - 17.00 uur
- Landré, Zeilschip 40, 3991 CT Houten, Netherlands
- 00Dagen
- 00Uren